Stress Relief – Aroma Therapy

Taking care of stress in your life can be a real challenge. This is because the more stress you have, the more stress will build. Stress is one of those things that builds exponentially, getting more and more potent the less it is dealt with. That is because an abundance of stress is in itself a stressor, which is what makes it so hard to deal with or get rid of. That is why it is important to deal with stress as it comes, not to wait until it builds up and becomes an unmanageable monster.

Thankfully, there are many ways that exist that have been proven to help at least combat stress, if not beat it altogether. One of these tried and true methods is aroma therapy. Scent is the sense that is most closely tied to memory, which is why many people find certain scents relaxing, while they find others to be stressors. It is important to note that aroma therapy is not universally the same for everyone, as one smell may mean something different for each individual based on their experiences.

The key to using aroma therapy successfully for reducing stress in your own life, is to find out which scents calm you, and which agitate you. The best way to do this is to explore all of the common place relaxing scents like jasmine or eucalyptus. Maybe even certain herbal teas. Just remember to be patient with yourself, if you explore enough, you will find a scent that truly relaxes you.

Kathy Nowrey is a spa owner who often uses aroma therapy techniques to relax her clients.