Kathy Nowrey – Preparing Your Home to Welcome Your New Cat

Kathy Nowrey is a huge proponent of rescuing cats and dogs from your local shelter, and she knows that while they can be a lot of work when they are first brought into the home, it is well worth it. If you’ve recently decided to head to your local animal shelter to adopt a new cat, there are a few things you need to prepare for before bringing your new feline friend home. By preparing yourself and your home ahead of time, you can make the transition go a lot smoother and be able to enjoy your new cat sooner.

Before you head to the shelter, you need to make sure that everyone in the household is on board with bringing home a new cat. If you don’t want to be the only one taking care of the cat after its arrival, take the time to establish who is responsible for feeding, grooming, and changing the litter box so everyone is prepared for the newest arrival.

Before the day of your new cat’s arrival, you want to be sure to have all the necessary supplies on hand, to save yourself from unneeded trips to the store once the new member has arrived. So your cat can get right down to the business of making herself right at home you want to make sure you have the following supplies on hand.

  • Litter box and the brand of litter she has been using the shelter.
  • Food and water bowls, as well as the same kind of food she’s been eating at the shelter.
  • A scratching post so she doesn’t take to your furniture.
  • A variety of safe and stimulating toys.
  • A soft bed with a warm blanket or towel.
  • Grooming tools, to start with nail clippers and a high-quality brush.

While it will take some time for your new family member to get acclimated to its new surroundings, once they become comfortable with you and your home, you’ll find a relationship filled with fun and affection.